Mexico has large tracts of land, a pleasant climate, and abundant water; features that create an excellent environment for harvesting fruit. We realized that our country can offer high quality fruits to the world, and that these fruits have extraordinary economic potential.
For decades, Mexican farmers have produced high quality fruits but failed to receive fair compensation for their product. By partnering with these farmers, we are able to add value by transforming these fruits into marketable products while maintaning the high quality of the natuarally grown fruit.
Today, we continue to cultivate these partnerships. We know the farmers, their stories, and more importantly the quality of their product. Our mission is to make our 100% natural products available all over the world. In doing so, we will assure that our customers can enjoy the highest quality fruits offered by Mexican lands regardless of where they live.
Frutibar offers its customers nutritional products that can be consumed in a social environment. A Frutibar product is the culmination of a process that begins with a fruit being planted and ends with our customers enjoying our delicious products. What sets Frutibar apart from other companies is that we are involved and take pride in every step of the process.
Frutibar wants customers to know the benefits of each fruit and how those benefits can improve their lives. We want them to know that consuming our products not only benefits them personally, but is also an investment in Mexico’s development. Today, our products are consumed in homes, hotels, restaurants, and even schools. With the help of those who have and continue to collaborate with this company, we have grown and innovated. Frutibar sells more than just purées and juices, Frutibar sells nutrition and quality!